Monday, September 28, 2009


The biggest relief i m feeling right now is that ATLAST I M WRITING SOMETHING. Really i was so sick of myself for giving innumerable reasons to avoid writing a post. Thanks to australia that they r batting first in today's ODI, otherwise this post would have been delayed again. And the source of all these reasons is laziness. And laziness leads to Sleep. And thats wat i m going to talk, oops write about.

There is a very inherent relationship between us(Human beings) and Sleep. Right from birth, we r so fond of sleep that we spend one third of our time sleeping. That shows wat we r best at. Doing nothing. Chilling out, relaxing and trying to have colourful dreams. Life tests us in the beginning to see how much we love our sleep. I m confident we all have faced the feelings, the emotions that i m going to describe.

U r a school going boy. U hate those 7 o clock morning school. And u know why? Sharp at 6 a.m. the sound u dread the most starts beeping in the name of ALARM. That bloody thing keeps on making noise unless and until u get up from ur bed. Try to recall this situation. At those precious moments ur bed looks the best haven in the whole world. U wish to just lay there and not come out of it. Alas, the world is very harsh. Even if by some chance u stop the stupid alarm, u have ur mother ready to wake u up by any means. And u dont want that. Bcos that wud lead to some lecture in the morning which is the most avoidable thing any kid wants.

After some 10-15 min u make some movement. But all of sudden u r again mocked at. U see ur father and kid brother/sister sleeping peacefully and u get jealous. Yeah man U GET JEALOUS LIKE ANYTHING. U ask GOD "Y m i made to go through all this thing?" But GOD doesnt feel like answering to u. And all u r left with is again that painful situation of seeing everybody sleeping with great PLEASURE and u, the dumb guy, awake. U wait eagerly for that sunday. Yeah man its ur day when u will show the world that even u too sleep like a baby. Come sunday. And when u wake up, the first thing that u do is to see the clock so that u can be proud of seeing for how long u slept. In my case, the following used to happen: I used to wake up smiling. Its Sunday. I did it. I slept without any disturbance. Man i must have slept for 10 hours minimum. I see the clock. GOD ITS ONLY 6:30. And that used to hurt me even more than weekdays torture. How the hell can i be up in my bed so early. Oh damn my body clock which has made it a routine for me. I cant believe this. I think most of u have gone through this.

Now relax. As i said this was the testing phase. Next wat u get is the Vacation period which i m relishing right now. Since coming into college, i cant recall anything like Alarm. Alarm??? Hmmm. wats that by the way. I can sleep whenever and whereever(in my home ofcourse. as i m collegian i dont go to college ;-) ) i want. This is true bliss. Now i thank God and ask for forgiveness for those silly questions asked during school days. U realise that this was God's scheme so that u can value ur sleep more and more.

Now after writing so much about it, i feel i should go and take a quick nap. After all thats wat led to writing this particular post. And yeah u people should also try a nap like me. Sweet Dreams. :-)

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