Saturday, December 13, 2008


Now, it was really tough to start this blog. the idea was doing round for many days when one of my friends started his own blog. I felt man even i can write. so y not start a blog. thousands of ideas already started taking place in my mind regarding wat topics wud i write about and all that fascination crept in.

But finally i have created it. bt it wasnt simple. yaar its so tough to even find a url for urselves. i tried so many but finally settled with my name. the timing is odd. i have my jmet exam tomorrow bt m wasting my time here(anyways wasnt in mood for studying bt still u get satisfaction of keeping the book in ur lap even u r nt doing anything :) ) Bt anyways i will try to post about all that i love talking about. so pls bear with me and U HAVE TO with the topics i post. I hope it wont be disappointing. do post ur comments airing ur views. Till then c ya. have a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Expressing yourself is the justice you do to your mind n heart which spend every moment to make you think and have an opinion about all you see and you hear..good n bad...
    keep your expression flowing...all the best
