Monday, April 6, 2009

Hmmm. What to post.

Now in recent days i had no idea about what shud i write about in the blog. I fail to think of any interesting topic that can make an entry. So was lying low getting completely detached to the blogging arena until i realized i might not be interested in writing again. So just to keep the habit going on, i m posting this.

Btw, didnt got selected in the FMS process. I knew that chances of not getting in were much higher. So there was no pressure on the day of results. In fact it was laughable from my side as i had to msg each and every friend of mine that i m not selected.(everybody told me to msg the result irrespective of the outcome). Great friends!!!! :-D

To post a topic is not an easy thing. Its a hard process. U have to structure the whole thing and make sure watever u wanted the reader to know is there. Sometimes while writing, wat u hav visualised of writing doesnt seem feasible and so one chances the whole script. Its really a process where u never know wat the final outcome would be.

Anyways, i hav watched several movies recently about which i would definitely be writing about sooner. Many of them are gems. Otherwise, there is REALLY nothing to speak of. There is a saying "DOING NOTHING IS BETTER THAN BEING BUSY DOING NOTHING". this post is also like that. i m saying nothing in the post but still writing it. :-D. Anyways, my purpose is fulfilled(of writing one post). Promise u next one would be much better.

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